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Testimonials from Happy customers

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I had the structured water system installed in October, 2010. Then I totally forgot about it. I just knew that when I took a shower in the morning, there was no chlorine smell.

But after 3 months I started to take stock of the changes I was seeing. I had not changed any habits at all…I only changed my water. At first, my skin broke out, like acne…all over my body. I attribute that to a detox period, me and my house. Then my skin got better and better and better. Now I have people asking me if I’ve had Botox or fillers…No, I just changed my water. My skin looks AMAZING…hydrated and fresh. My aesthetician keeps asking if I am using new products because my pores are so clean…No, it’s the water! I rarely have to use body lotion which is unheard of in my dry climate. I only need to shampoo my hair twice a week if I rinse it every day in the shower. It is so much shinier and healthier. And when I shower, the water tastes sweet!

And then there are the calcium and lime deposits…in my teapot. They were so bad I had to use industrial strength lime remover weekly to get them out. That teapot finally died and I got a new glass one…after a month there is not a lime or calcium deposit on the thing. Same thing on the black tiles in my showers. Everything is sweeky clean with the structured water.

My home is beautifully landscaped. Living in Los Angeles, we ration our water. I am only allowed to water 2 times per week. But with the water unit, it is no problem. My garden looks as lush and green as when I was watering every day. When I plant vegetables in my raised bed, they seem to grow overnight.. It’s the water.

t I wish I had paid more attention when I had the unit installed…I would probably have stories a mile long, but alas I didn’t. I just know that my water is now amazing and healthy. You can see its effects in my garden and in my person. Maybe it has even helped my mood and my stress level…something certainly has and it would not surprise me in the least that the water has a hand in it.

Mary Harper Los Angeles CA

Choose a customer testimonial, review, or quote from the media that gives prospective buyers confidence in your brand, your products, or your customer service.

Being a sceptic by nature and profession, I am a scientist; I am leery of any claims that are put on a product. Show me the proof. When my wife first approached me on a unit that could be attached in line with our water system that would not only improve water but could actually improve our health I could only think she had been suckered in by a fast talking charlatan selling snake oil remedies.

I agreed to have a unit (Structured Water) installed on the condition that it came with a money back trial if we were not satisfied. Thinking that this was a no brainier and we would get our money back I could save face and tell my wife “see I told you.” Much to my surprise the first time I took a shower I had the sensation that I had used a conditioner on my head. Truly it could not be that on the very first use that I would feel results. I then decided to drink some and immediately on raising my glass to my mouth realized that it did not smell like our tap water. On tasting the water it was evident that it was different. I am not certain how it works at least from a scientific point other than to say that I understood the scientific reason behind the principal. Structured water is an apt name as that is exactly what it does. I am so convinced by the system that when I asked my wife what was it called she said that the product was so new that they had just recently named it. I told her that it should be called “miracle water”. I believe so much in the product that I have purchased additional units for all my family especially for my daughter who has a new born. I would never return this product for any reason.

- Ed Chacon (Archeo Astronomer), Santa Fe, New Mexico

I wanted to write and give you my feedback on my the structured water system. I had not said anything previously to anyone because I wanted to give it more time to make sure of the results.

From the time I was 16, I had psoriasis which mainly appeared on the outside of my ankles and my elbows. The itching was unbearable and on many occasions I would awake in my sleep scratching to the point of breaking the skin. The way it was explained to me, my condition was such that the new skin cells would die before they reached the epidermis. My parents took me to the doctor and he wanted to put me on nerve pills which my parents vehemently refused.

Throughout the years I had been to dermatologists and my own physicians; subjected to tar baths, anti-itching cremes with hydro cortisone and even ultra-violet light treatments. The UV treatments are particularly funny since UV rays actually destroy skin cells - something I didn't find out until later. So much for the intelligence of modern medicine. That brings me to current day experience with structured water. It has proven the world of modern medicine to be wrong!

The pigmentation in my skin has slowly been coming back since drinking the structured water. Where there were once pale patches of flesh are now normal skin tone on my one elbow. On my ankles, the pale patches are being replaced with dots of normal skin color that are filling in.

Jacqueline Sheppard CA

I Love, Love, Love my water… In fact, I don’t leave home without it! I have used all kinds of “conscious water” products and didn’t feel any different. With this unit I noticed the effects within the first day. I felt like a deep exhaustion (that I didn’t know was there) had left my body. That was just the beginning of the remarkable changes.

After experiencing the water for a couple of months I have improved stamina, better focus.

Stan C., Pagosa Springs, Colorado

I work at a natural lifestyles company and we have a large vegetable garden that we all work with and eat from. We were forced to replant the vegetable garden after realizing that our plants would not sprout due to large amounts of calcium in our well water system. The calcium had created a hard crust over the soft soil making it impossible for sprouts to penetrate through. When I first heard the simple explanation for how the Structured Water Unit worked I was not expecting much; to be direct, it seemed too simple to be true.

Micheal Copeland Sacred Health Sedona.

Click this text to edit. Choose a customer testimonial, review, or quote from the media that gives prospective buyers confidence in your brand, your products, or your customer service.

Our new DE Structured Water Unit is producing amazing changes in our water! My skin feels soft and lubricated after bathing. I use less soap and shampoo. Less soap is needed for washing the clothes. The new water has rejuvenated our plants. My husband says our water tastes better too; and morning coffee is smooth – no longer bitter. We love the new Structured Water Unit and the new life it has produced in our water.

B Randall Utah

Choose a customer testimonial, review, or quote from the media that gives prospective buyers confidence in your brand, your products, or your customer service.

Just wanted to drop you a note and bring you up to date on plant growth here. The tomatoes are the big story. The main stalk on all the tomato plants are four to five times larger in diameter. Really weird to view as they seem to have morphed into tomato plants on steroids. All the fruit on these plants is still green, but it has been exceptionally cool, at night, all summer long.

The hot tub water from our DE structured water unit is wild. Feels like rain water; all the time (just like the shower and bath). This has to be due to filling with structured water, having the garden unit on the hot tub and using only one teaspoon of chlorine every two weeks. The chlorine is probably just a mental thing at this point.

Christopher Cozby Arizona

We have a the original Structured water system here just for the yard where we have an underground sprinkler system, earlier I had fungus growing on all my hand bags and baskets now nothing grows at all and I think its all due to the water. Since we have put the Structured Water Unit in the new grass growing up greener so it does something to the yard too and we had fungus right around this time of the year and this time I didn’t have

to use fungicide.

Vicki. Frank

The cats have been drinking the water now for a few days - the youngest one being the first to explore it — she has somewhat of a lazy-eye — I noticed today that it seems to be straightening and she is much more relaxed in her environment and not fighting the condition so much now - awesome sir!!! Many, Many Thanks again!!

Gene Eskelson, Salt lake City, Utah

The Structured Water Unit is the most outstanding water alchemist I've ever experienced. My garden has grown twice the size this year that it was the same time last year. Personally, my body has noticed tremendous healing change. I feel more oxygenated in my body. My candida has been purified. I think this device is outstanding.

Thea Ivie, ND, Sedona, AZ

We received your shower unit a couple weeks ago and promptly installed it on the water feed line into our 40 foot 5th wheel camper. We had been here on the coast of Texas for 6 or 7 weeks at that point and the poor water quality had caused an alarming re-occurrence of Dawna's 38 year Psoriasis affliction which had been well under control for the last 2 years due to our extensive use of shower water filtration and long daily treatments with our Wellness Pro 2010. Despite her continued use of the WP system these past weeks the poor water quality had begun causing a sever upsurge in her Psoriasis. That changed within 3 days of installing your shower unit on the RV's water system. It shut down the Psoriasis to a nubbin and has noticeably improved her recurrent indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome as well.

Jeffery and Dawna Utah

I just received your portable unit and I LOVE IT!!!! Wow! the water tastes so fresh and I put it through up to 6 times to help with increasing the energy you speak of!

I watered a Coleus plant that I have been doing Moringa research with, using that as a fertilizer. But in this circumstance I just used structured water and within an hour the leaves were as perky as if I had put Moringa on it! And it was just the great water!

Have researched and sold water units in the past and by George! I believe this is the one! Everyone needs this! The world needs this! If you ever increase your staff look me up!!

Paula, Apex, NC

I would like to say thank you for this unit. We bought the under the sink unit and I have never drank so much water in my life. I love drinking water. My hair is better, healthier and so are my nails. My husband no longer feels thirsty all the time and we feel much better. I have told many of my friends and neighbors about our water and we also give them bottles of water to taste. Thank you so much.

R & P, Colorado Springs, CO

The dishes are squeaky spotless, the shower doors are clear and all calcium deposits are.....

NON EXISTENT !!!! Also, no water spots on the cars and trucks when washed

Raoult B Cave creek Arizona.

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