Dynamically enhanced portable system
Dynamically enhanced portable system

Structured Water systems® Structured Water products are not filters and do not remove anything physically from the water. The chemicals and toxins is physically there, but its molecular structure has changed.
Through structuring, the water is made healthy by neutralizing the toxins in the water through molecular change.
When you are testing for chlorine or any other chemical, you are using a test for chemistry. When water is structured the chemical is still there, but it is in a different molecular structure.
This is like testing for carbon. Diamonds and coal are both carbon. If all you are doing is testing for carbon, you will find carbon in both. That doesn’t mean they have the same structure.
With Structured Water and regular water, you don’t necessarily see a difference with your naked eye, except at higher magnifications under a microscope. But most importantly, you will witness a difference with your health and well-being.
Utilizing a filter with one of our Structured Water products does not interfere with Structured Water. The filter will filter out the physical particles and then be ultimately enhanced by the Structured Water product.
Structured Water systems products will work in harmony with all forms of water filters, water filtration systems, and water softeners. You can install the Structured Water products either before or after the water filter or system. Either way you will enjoy the enhanced benefits of Structured Water.
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